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polyamines + brewer's yeast

SAVIUM  offers the right combination and concentration of polyamines and its very high assimilation rate.

Polyamines are key compounds for cellular survival and they have essential functions in the protection against stress in plants. They work as an activator of the sap that nourishes, invigorates and encourages  trees and plants.

It's a natural fermentation from brewer's yeast water and polyamines that came from organic amino acids breakdown.


Natural components

Defined period

Controlled temperature

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     the product

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  • Polyamines combined
  • Liquid product
  • Root application
   Ask for your volum.

polyamines efects on plants:

Strengthens DNA strands

Polyamines stabilize macromolecular structures, and act as regulatory molecules in many fundamental cellular processes: cell division, differentiation and proliferation, cell death, DNA and protein synthesis and gene expression

Regulates hormonal system

Polyamines are involved in modulating senescence of organs in plants and therefore are considered as a plant hormone, directly involved in regulation of programmed cell death.

Activates growth

Polyamines are the functional key of the physiological processes like germination, rooting, growing and flowering.

Facilitated nitrogen assimilation 

Polyamines provides a nitrogen reserve.

Facilitates phosphorus assimilation

Poliamines are involved in nucleic acid packaging.

Get protected in stress situations

Polyamines are involved on the response of damage and modified athmospheres. Plants show an increase in polyamine content because the formation of polyamines favors a stabilizing action of cell membranes and a better antioxidant action.

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Estudios Poliaminas


about polyamines


The existing documentation on polyamines is very extensive. Above all, their current knowledge makes palpable their participation in the mechanism of plant tolerance to stress, their role in cellular homeostasis, their ability to associate with other molecules that confer them activity as growth regulators and their influence on cell proliferation and stimulation of protein synthesis.

Although some of their benefits for conservation are known, there is no doubt that  polyamines' grow effect is a path to be explored. We want to lead the start and understand the growth palpable benefits beyond the laboratory world.

some interesting publications:


Polyamines: molecules with regulatory functions in plant abiotic stress tolerance

Planta.: An International Journal of Plant Biology

Planta volume 231, pages1237–1249 (2010)​

"...the polyamine metabolism is connected to several important hormonal and metabolic pathways involved in development, stress responses, nitrogen assimilation and respiratory metabolism..."


Polyamines as indicators of stress in plants

Article in Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura ·

December 2014 DOI: 10.5154/r.rchsh.2013.05.019

"...these compounds affect cell activity, and consequently they are involved in a wide range of physiological processes that from growth, plant development and senescence, to protection against biotic and abiotic stress.

Polyamines are reservoirs of carbon and nitrogen...."


Plant polyamines in stress and development: an emerging area of research in plant sciences

Unitat de Fisiologia Vegetal, Departament de Productes Naturals, Biologia Vegetal i Edafologia, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

"...the current challenges in agriculture to cope with climate

change and maintain nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables can be approached by considering the polyamine pathway..."

Some more

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